Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Ethan was away this weekend as  he participated in a really cool race out in Seattle. So the girls and I had had a girls only weekend (plus Tanner, but does he count as a boy anymore?). We have some wonderful friends that invited us to their parents’ house down at the shore. It was cold and rainy to start with, but ended up being a beautiful day. Hannah Gray had so much fun and our friends were so terrific; they jumped in and helped with both girls and Hannah Gray loved it! It was like having an aunt and an uncle around and another set of grandparents. She was so worn out by the time we got home- a sign of a day well spent!CIMG0083

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Hannah Gray making sand turtles with Laura.


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Here’s Hannah Gray chasing Bob. Notice the distance of the water? Hannah Gray as afraid of the ocean as it was really loud yesterday, so Bob graciously took her sandpail down to fill it with water. Which HG immediately emptied and said, “moah?” (more). And Bob would walk the good 75 yds and go get her more! Finally after the third trip, HG was convinced that it was enough. :)

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