Friday, April 24, 2009

bedtime reading

Hannah Gray loves her books, or maybe she loves turning their pages even more. She's recently begun to "love" on people, toys, Tanner, etc. She tucks her little head in and it almost seems like a head butt, but she leaves it there for a second so you can totally tell she's snuggling and trying to love on you. Anyway, we have this bedtime book and it's a different baby animal and it's parent on each page. I noticed this "loving" while we were reading this book, but only on the page where it was the puppy and the deer. She would turn through all the pages and only do it to these two animals. So last night I had Ethan come up with the video camera to check it out. Turns out she decided to love on many more animals!! (Sorry about the background noise- the neighbor was working in the yard with a weed wacker and our windows were open!)


Abby said...

So sweet. While I was reading this, I remembered back many years to college and how good of a "burrow-er" you were. She gets it from her mommy! :) HA!

Katie Petro said...

hahah!! totally forgot about that! :)

Katie Petro said...

oops, this is joni

Josh and Heather said...

So cute! I think the book just smells good...just kidding :) What a sweet little girl!