Thursday, March 3, 2011

Arm, Part 2

So two weeks ago exactly, I posted how Hannah Gray broke her arm. Well at the casting appointment, the attending doctor did not see a break in her elbow, but when the splint came off there was a pretty bad bruise around her wrist with some swelling. We were sent home to just keep an eye on her. The next week, Tenley was still not feeling good, so I had her back at our family doctor’s office. Our doctor took a look at Hannah Gray and didn’t think it looked very good, but said if we waited a few more days then an xray would be more decisive as a fracture would then be easier to see.

So last night, we took her back to the hospital for xrays of her wrist this time. And this time around, it revealed not one, but two fractures in her little wrist. They looked good in the sense that they were beginning to heal already, but we were sent back to Children’s for her cast today. As of last night, she said she wanted, “a pink wimming cast” (aka a pink swimming cast). But they don’t really do swimming casts anymore and she had somehow changed her mind to a blue cast. So this afternoon after a miserable day that included a ruined tire, a tire oxidized onto the wheel, 2+ hrs in the car, a tow man, a repair, realization of a faulty/leaky spare and a slow, and long drive home, we came home for a conclusion to her fall from two weeks ago. Phew! She fell asleep in the car and when she woke from her nap almost 3 hours later, she was delighted to find a cupcake with “tar pinkels” (start sprinkles) at her spot on the dining room table. She has been such a trooper!


She was being a bit shy about having her picture taken at the hospital, so she’s trying to hide her cast. She was just ready to go at this point.

Here is a video of her dancing before we took her to get it xrayed. We were just having fun and thought it was cute.

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