Thursday, July 24, 2008


Gray has this little thing she does and I'm not sure which event comes first, but the outcome is almost always the same. Either way what happens is she somehow ends up finding her hair (not that that's difficult considering the sheer amount she has and how long it's now getting) and gets a big fistfull. Enough of a fistfull that you can see at least an inch of hair sticking out between her clenched fingers. Then she gets upset and starts to cry. However, the more she cries the tighter she clenches her fist and the more she pulls her hair so she cries harder. It continues to escalate. The tricky part is removing her fist. Ethan's first response was, "just pull her hand out". Easier said than done. This kiddo has quite a grip and she also graps her hair right at the very bottom of the hair so it's not like you can just grab her hair below her fist and pull her hand away. You pull her hand, you pull her hair.

The trick I've found is to distract her and get her to move her hand on her own. The scene is pretty hilarious but then I feel badly for her! It does happen pretty consistently. Here are a couple pics of her in the act...

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