Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Ships

In Seattle, there is a big company that does cruises, like dinner cruises. At Christmas time, this company take their boats and comes down the shore stopping at the beaches along the way. One of these beaches is about 10 minutes from our house. So on a very rainy night, we loaded the kids up and went to the beach. They had a choir on the boat with a sound system so we could hear the carols on the beach. The event was complete with a bonfire and Christmas cookies. The rain didn’t keep anyone away as we even had a hard time finding a parking spot!


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Heather said...

Listen, we've got "Lights on the Bay". A boat parade of decorated boats beats your bonfire & cookies any day. :) Come back to Annpolis, OK? ;)

Joni said...

yay, that parade is pretty stinkin' fun...