Seriously?! How is she big enough to be FIVE years old?! Hannah Gray turned five on June 11th, so we did a little family celebration day and then celebrated with a party with a few friends at the park on Saturday. She wanted to go to the aquarium, and had been asking for salmon and shrimp for her bday dinner since I think it was about March. So we went to the aquarium, then off to fisherman’s landing to let her pick her fish and shrimp out practically straight off the boat. She thought it was so cool to be carrying the bag of shrimp! Then she chose to go to Menchies which is a frozen yogurt bar that has a buffet of toppings to choose from and they have some really great dairy free options. Nana was with us to celebrate on her actual day and Hannah Gray was super excited about that as well.

I just love all her facial expressions! She was just excited with pure joy! She is such a sweet girl!

Dear Hannah Gray,
We can’t believe you are five already! You have already grown into such a joyful and generous giver as you have figured out how much fun it is to give. You are always giving your sister first choice, even if it means knowing you won’t get what you would really want and you do it so willingly and without being asked. We see this in you as a gift, but pray that you are protected from those who would take advantage of it.
We love your creative spirit and how much you create! It’s so fun to see your imagination at work and growing. Mommy and Daddy will always remember with what care you made your sister’s birthday present. You saved a restaurant take out box and made it into a crib for her babies that you know she loves so much. You put such care into your project and the joy in which you gave it was awesome. Or at Christmas this last year, you were more excited to give the gifts you had made than you were to open the presents under the tree. Then once you passed out your gifts, you went through the presents, helping find all the ones with “Tenley” on them and helped her open hers before you even thought about finding your own.
You have a super fun adventuresome spirit and mommy and daddy love to see you try new things then to fall in love with it like we have. You can totally conquer an adult size climbing wall with a quiet and humble determination, hike Shirley Canyon (a hike not geared for kids, and considered “moderate to heavy”) as your first hike not in a carrier, continue to ski and now you can’t wait to try water skiing and I can’t wait to show you! You asked for a “metal” scooter for your birthday and I think you had been on one just a handful of times and you hopped right on, finding the brake with your back foot and off you went, like you had done it dozens of times!
We are so proud of who you are and who you are becoming to be. We are so thankful that you love Jesus like you do and desire for your sisters to as well. You are so gentle and caring towards them and what a great big sister you are. We love you so much and are so thankful that you are part of our family! We love you lots kiddo!